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reynolds stress tensor中文是什么意思

用"reynolds stress tensor"造句"reynolds stress tensor"怎么读"reynolds stress tensor" in a sentence


  • 雷诺应力张量


  • Reynolds stress tensor
  • The two - equation turbulence models can be thought to consist of two more or less separate parts : the scale determining model , which provides scalar information about the turbulence , and the constitutive model , which determines the reynolds stress tensor
  • The effect of the change of surface elevation on the wave development and elimination is pointed out for the first time , which provides the necessary theoretical basis for the development of united current - wave - tide model ; hi the discussion of the effects of waves on currents , a variety of wave - induced forces on the geostrophic and viscous condition and their producing mechanism are introduced systematically , their corresponding wave - induced currents are also analyzed qualitatively . moreover , a complete expression of wave - induced reynolds stresses tensor is presented for the first time
用"reynolds stress tensor"造句  


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